Thursday, January 07, 2010

Temporary Trip home

Well, well, its 230AM and I'm feeling very groggy, as I sit here a the Chennai airport on route to surprise my mom and dad for my mom's 60th Bday!!

The trip has been amazing from a business perspective, in a little over 3 1/2 years of travelling back and forth btwn India and the US, we have finally launched our company in India, shorthandmobile! It's a great accomplishment and feels really good, given the effort and energy that has been involved out here. Its not easy living out here, but I'm finally adjusting, and given the energy of this place, dont' see myself running back to the US for too long...

You know, I actually look forward to long airplane rides...kinda strange, but I find its my only time now adays where I can have true "alone" time without any internet, phone , or any other type of distraction! I'm sure that will change, but for some reason, flying this long distance allows me to reflect, relax, and just enjoy the random thoughts that I might have...No pressure of being online, checking that next work email, or phoning a friend!

This year, as we are in a new decade, I have a lot to reflect on, both personally and professionally, and much to contemplate and plan, for the near term..Time is flying, I can't believe I'm now 36..but I must say, I truly am enjoying the ride...!

Anyhow, I'm sure soon we will be just as "wired" 30,000 feet above the air as we are on earth, but just for now, its a nice feeling , being in my "own space" up in the blue skies!

Sayonara Chennai.

ps. As I write this in the airport lounge, there is a guy snoring away very very loudly. Quite amusing!


At 2:18 AM, Anonymous chocolitcookie said...

Hey I love ur writings :) !
A funny thot... Hope the guy who was snoring dint miss his flight :P :P ;) xxxxx


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