Sunday, November 29, 2009

A Sunday Afternoon Chat....

So I am coming onto my 4th week and I'm really getting familiar with Chennai. It has taken 3 long years of traveling back and forth to get to this point, but I can finally say that I'm getting comfortable. Perhaps its the weather, it really makes a difference being in Chennai during the winter months (Oct- Feb). After Feb, it gets unbearably HOT and although it is still do-able to get things done, any "outside" trips requires significant planning.

A few days ago, I met Dr. M.K. Pandey, Under Secretary of the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs for the Government of India. Although I knew for a few weeks he was sharing the same service apartment as me, I never bothered to say hello only because my thinking was that I really don't know enough about the political scene to have a decent conversation.

Well, just a few days ago, I decided to finally say hello, and I am so glad I did. Aside from his work, he is a visiting professor and PHD of Psycology and graduation of History and Science.

The first meeting was very interesting, within the 45 minutes I had, I really recognized the amount of knowledge this person has. But it wasn't until today, Sunday, at which point I ended up spending hours with him...he was taking notes and jotting down ideas for his book, "Which God Is Better" which is a 250 pager he is writing about.

We ended up talking about a huge number of topics ranging from real estate in India, to the rise and fall of the Toy Business in Chandni Chowk, to the ancient Devdasi system,
to Physics and Metaphysical world, to stock market, to spirtual organizations and the role of money in religion, to my brother's photography profession, etc etc....

Time has been flying by...and honestly, I never seem to be able to have these LONG drawn conversations with friends (guys and girls) of my own age group. And
sometimes I ask myself, why? Why is it that I can enjoy the company of someone 20+ years older than me, but not that of my own age group. Its actually something
I have noticed of myself time and time again, I typically really enjoy discussions and topics of older folks, wherein I can learn alot about culture,
religion, society, business, and so much more. When it comes to my own age group, the topics of conversation seem to be fairly lighter, and more towards
the superficial side..and should I try to engage in a conversation which might seem a bit deeper, I feel I'd BORE the other person to death..and thus tend
to refrain from it.

Although this has been an observation of mine time and time again, I do have to say there are a few friends that I can have these types of conversations with,
but for the most part, that is a very small number...and most friends guys and girls, are tougher for me to relate with.

One intersting thing I learned today was about the Devdasi system in India. It was something pre-independence in which fathers "donated" their daughters to the preisthood , or temple at a very young age. Devoted to the life in a temple, the women learned through a quality educational system, learned dance, and basically had a quality upbringing in these temples, etc. The main purpose was for serving the spiritual leader and provide dances, who because of his position had to abstain from getting into any type of intimate relationship. It provided them with young beautiful women constantly sorrounding them...and in many cases led to sexual exploitation. This was apparently quite commen in those times...

Anyhow, having a nice chiilll Sunday..something which I hardly do... Looking forward to the rest of it, catching a movie, a good dinner, and getting ready for another action packed week here in India. This week I'm off to Bangalore to meet some companies...

Until Next time..


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