Born in Chicago & the Past

So...a bit about me...
Well...having been exposed to computers all my life....and I owe it all to my EE from IIT in India, decided to pursue the dream as he came to this land in the late 60's... He was a definately a visionary and saw the tremendous opportunities of comptuers back then..hence decided to do his MS in Computer Science at Northwestern....Hence I was born in Naperville, Illinois, Jan 2, 1974.
After bearing with the snow for one too many winters..we decdied to pack our bags and move to Sunny San Diego, California in 1980....
It was there my dad really dived into the industy...He started a company called Micromax in was focused on building Hardware and Software solutions for the Apple computer...yes, back during the original days of the Apple II, etc.
As for me..I was a young to computers all around my very First Vic 20...full with a tape cassette drive! I learned the essense of Basic Programming, and started getting into games, buying games, it was all about computer games..little did I know that these games would lead to getting entrenched in the exciting and fast paced technology industry...
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